Today we are going to show how to create a simple library on Scriptcase and how to call it on Scriptcase applications

1º To create an simple library go to: Configuration –> Libraries



2º In this first window you should select what level you want to create/upload your library.



3º You can upload a file with your script or create a new one.

Click in New.


4º Type the name for the new simple library, an description and put your code.


In this example we will check if some field is empty.



5º Now you have to enable the library to be used in your app.




6º In the event ONVALIDATE of the form we will call the function create in our library.


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Read more about External libraries in our documentation:

In this article, you learn how to use the External Library. This feature allows us to import complete libraries and create files of any extension (.JS, .CSS, .PHP…) to use in your projects, making it easier to reuse some of the source code and to bring external codes libraries to implement features to your applications.

You can find this option within the menu Tools > External Libraries, where you can manage the libraries of your project.[…]

Read more about Internal libraries in our documentation:

This tool allows to create or upload PHP routines that can be reused in various applications of the project or other projects, depending on the level of access that they were saved.

There are three types of access levels that can be used.

  • User – Only for the user that created the script will have access.
  • Project – All the users linked to the project will have access to the script.
  • Public – All the users from ScriptCase will have access to the script.

By ,

May 15, 2014


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