Business intelligence, process intelligence and intellectual property are some of the precious elements in the development environment. Although they are different, they all have one thing in common: they are structured in the form of data.

Spreadsheets, documents, classes and complete projects are seen as value-added business. So it is now a company duty to preserve these items and keep them away from possible malicious actions.

External attacks can be avoided with security measures involving software and other resources. However, access to data within the development environment needs very well tied and clear policies for everybody involved in the process.

The use of flash drives, for example, can only be done by authorized personnel. Developers should not carry that kind of peripheral. This is one among the dozens or hundreds of rules that need to be included in the data security policy of a development company.

Any type of file transfer or even access to this information needs to be monitored, that’s the only way you can ensure that all intellectual property of the organization will be preserved.

Among the main items, those that need extra attention, include:

• Use of USB sticks;

• Use of file sharing programs;

• Use of extra storage peripherals such as external hard drives, for example;

• Use of notebooks;

• Use of smartphones;

• Use of external machines on the network.

The IT and security information staff of the enterprise needs to develop usage policies based on the routine of each of the company’s resources and thereby ensure that all data will be preserved and used only by those who actually have these permissions.

Ensure a secure environment for the information ensures that all core of the company, ie, its processes and methodologies, are preserved. Thus ensuring greater security to the competitive edge.

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By ,

June 8, 2015


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