We already showed the events on form applications and now it is time to talk about events on grid applications.

The grid application has a few less events compared to the forms, that is because the form application is used to manipulate the data, so it will need more space to get the business rules ready, the grid applications has the objective to exhibit the data from the database, so this way it need less opportunities then the form application.

Grid Events
onApplicationInit – This event runs when the application is loading just for the first time.
onRecord – This event is executed before displaying each grid record.
onScriptInit – This event is executed just one time, before the main select of the application execution. In this scope, normally, are executed the macros that update the select, as these: sc_select_field, sc_select_order,sc_select_where(add) and etc.

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By ,

May 28, 2014


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