In this article we will show how the Ajax events onChange works, first Ajax will run doing a processing in the browser side to avoid to execute a SQL query or a server request, this way the result will come way faster then the usual.

The event onChange will occurs when the object loses the focus and the value of the field is changed.
Below we will show an example explaining how to use this event. We will create a control type application with a single field (test), and then we will create the Ajax Event.

1 – We will need to create a control application and then create a new field called “test” on it.

2 – Into the “Ajax Events” menu we will create a new event, we will set it to run in the field test and then choose onChange.

3 – Now we need to write this code: “sc_alert(‘Ajax Event OnChange Triggered’);”

4 – And to finish all we have to do is run the application, write anything on the “test” field and then remove the focus from it

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By ,

May 29, 2014


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