A programmer is a person who writes computer software. It might be on a specific are of computer programming or a generalist who writes codes for different kind of software. They are a part of a work place demographic that is not known for being healthy. They sit all day, use their fingers in ways they were not designed to do, stare at a lit object, in a lit room most of their time. Due to this constant behavior, a programmer should maintain a certain routine to maintain a good health.

Recommendations done to programmers are; to join gym that is close to work, walk or even ride a bike to work, and drink a lot of water. These forces to one take a break to go to the bathroom so it turns out to be a win-win situation. Avoidance of fast food at all cost and taking healthy beverages help a lot. After every 25min, consider a 5min break. During free time, try jogging, sports or even take dancing classes. The most important recommendation is the sitting position. A 900  angle with an adjusted heights and sitting straight. Sleeping well is also considered very important. It helps to keep healthy, maintain energy, reduce stress, and increase productivity.

Strength training is another way of keeping healthy. It makes it easier to sit, walk, and stand with a good posture. It would feel more natural it will happen constantly without reminding yourself. It also increases muscles that burn calories naturally at rest. It increases motivation and encourage you to break your own record. It increases endurance, bone density, and even testosterone levels. It strengthens the joints, lower cholesterol and improves one’s sleep. Generally, it makes you look good by making you leaner. It will add muscles as well. One will look just in the right shape.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

June 21, 2013


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