PostgreSQL (Postgres) is one of the object related database management system (ORDBMS) accessible for numerous platforms such as exemplified by LinuxFreeBSD, Solaris, MS Windows, Mac OS X and so on. It is released under the PostgreSQL Licence and as a result it is free and open source software. The software was developed by the company called PostgreSQL Global Development Group, which also included some volunteers working with and under the supervision of companies like RedHat and EnterpriseDB. The huge mainstreams of Linux distributions have this as one of the default softwares in their respective distributions. Similar to other important open source projects, the initial work was carried out by University of California, Berkeley (UCB).

This DBMS, in the beginning also known as Postgres, was shaped at UCB by a professor in the field of computer science called Michael Stonebraker. He was the beginner of Postgres in the year 1986, as a follow- up project to its predecessor Ingres. Postgres, was developed in the years between 1986-1994 and was a project intended to break novel ground in database aspects such as investigation of “object relational” technologies.

In 1995, Postgres POSTQUEL query language was modified by 2 Ph.D. students from the laboratory of Stonebraker, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen, with a comprehensive subset of SQL. They also redesignated the system to Postgres95. And in the year 1996, Postgres95 departed from academics and as a beginner of novel life in the open source globe when a crew of enthusiastic devotees outside of Berkeley saw the importance of the system, and dedicated themselves to its ongoing development. Dedicating huge amounts of time, skill, labor, and technical proficiency, this worldwide development group drastically transformed Postgres. The end result of their labor was a novel database that gained a status of stability. With the commence of its new life in the open source globe and with many novel characteristics and enhancements, the database system acquired its present nomenclature PostgreSQL.

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August 21, 2013


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