In narrating the history of Sybase, we start by pointing out that it was initialized in the year 1984 as the brainchild of four individuals Tom Haggin, Bob Epstein, Jane Doughty and Mark Hoffman. Their goal was to put up a relational database management system that would enable an accurate organization of information among computers that share a particular network. However, it was until 1986 that Sybase got its first major shipping test exercises. The success of the test led to the official unveiling of the Sybase system in May 1987.  This launch unveiled the first relational database management system for online use that was highly effective in its application.  The Sybase system introduced a new level of computer data storage that focused more on improving the level of interaction between the client and the computer server.

The introduction of the client server database, referred to as Sybase SOL server during that period, led to the striking of a deal between Microsoft and Sybase. The agreement enabled Microsoft to remarket the system as OS/2 on a consolidated platform of SQL server. The terms of agreement that were signed enabled Microsoft to claim rights on the SQL server code of Sybase. The code lines of Sybase systems and those of Microsoft shared some similarities. However, disagreements between the two firms led to the splitting of the code lines with Microsoft having its codes limited to the Windows NT operating system while Sybase optimizing its codes to meet the needs of different versions of windows, Linux and Unix.

The onset of the nineties saw Sybase make a number of milestones in the field of software development, another milestone in the history of Sybase. In 1989 Sybase unveiled the Sybase open client server interfaces. This software availed generic client server interactions that necessitated quality flow of communication among computers within a given network. This greatly boosted the sales of Sybase recording fifty six million US Dollars in terms of sale during that year. This played a major role in the registration of Sybase to the stock market in 1991.

The year of 1992 also witnessed major milestones in software content development by Sybase. The month of June saw Sybase announce the introduction of its latest generation software named the System ten. The system was tailored to meet the needs of companies to move from older mainframe computer designs to improved client server software interface. The first component of system ten was unveiled in 1983 dubbed Omni SQL GATEWAY. This software was instrumental in enabling an efficient control of a particular computer system from anywhere. The software enabled any person from any particular point in the system to access changes that are initiated in the system from the central control unit.

The introduction of the Powersoft BY Sybase in 1994 announced the introduction of a world leading software tool development tools for client server systems. Powersoft enabled Sybase to be in control of forty percent of the market of the world. This was further enhanced with the introduction   of power builder which was a rapid application development tool which was the leading product in terms of sale of Powersoft.

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By ,

August 22, 2013


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