As a Scriptcase developer, it is convenient to know everything in detail about the environment. The folders that are installed with Scriptcase is one of them, here I explain the structure of it.

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This folders stores everything related to project applications, source code, libraries, themes, languages, images, etc. It is used only to manage applications in Development, not for backup or Production.


Buttons: app button themes
Graph: Graphs PHP code
Css: Project topics
Source: application sources
friendly_url: application friendly addresses
googlefonts: Google sources
img: Project images
js: Javascript notification messages.
lang: Application messages.
lib: Scriptcase assets.
libraries: External libraries of the project.
menuicons: Menu icons.
oauth: Google calendar key.
profile_api.conf.php: Project API.


Project level.
scriptcase: Scriptcase level.
sys: Public level.
usr: User level.


<Project>: Application source code
<Project>: / _lib / buttons: Button theme
<Project>: / _lib / chart: Graphic themes
<Project>; / _lib / css: Application Topics
<Project> / _lib / font: Report PDF and Captcha fonts
<Project> / _lib / friendly_url: application friendly URLs
<Project> / _lib / googlefonts: Google theme sources

<Project>/_lib/img: Application images 


img / grp__NM__bg__NM __ *: Background images at the project level.
img / grp__NM__btn__NM __ *: Button images at the project level.
img / grp__NM__ico__NM __ *: Icons at the project level
img / grp__NM__img__NM __ *: General images at the project level.
img / grp__NM__menu_img__NM __ *: Menu images at the project level.
img / grp__NM__helpcase__NM __ *: Images of the help case at the project level


img / scriptcase__NM__bg__NM __ *: Background images at the scriptcase level.
img / scriptcase__NM__btn__NM __ *: Button images at the scriptcase level.
img / scriptcase__NM__ico__NM __ *: Icons at the Scriptcase level
img / scriptcase__NM__img__NM __ *: Images of the entire briefcase.
img / scriptcase__NM__menu_img__NM __ *: Menu images at the scriptcase level.


img / scriptcase__NM__bg__NM __ *: Background images at the scriptcase level.
img / scriptcase__NM__btn__NM __ *: Button images at the scriptcase level.
img / scriptcase__NM__ico__NM __ *: Icons at the Scriptcase level</p>
img / scriptcase__NM__img__NM __ *: Images of the entire briefcase.</p>
img / scriptcase__NM__menu_img__NM __ *: Menu images at the scriptcase level.


img / scriptcase__NM__bg__NM __ *: Background images at the scriptcase level.
img / scriptcase__NM__btn__NM __ *: Button images at the scriptcase level.
img / scriptcase__NM__img__NM __ *: Images of the entire briefcase.</p>
img / scriptcase__NM__menu_img__NM __ *: Menu images at the scriptcase level.
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 Stores all exports that have been imported into Scriptcase, from projects to general backups. In this directory, we find a backup / scriptcase that is used to create copies of the Scriptcase database. This procedure is only applicable to standard installations performed in SQLite.


Scriptcase configuration files for the production environment

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Stores all files used by Scriptcase for project development. It also consists of storing all the assets from Scriptcase such as project, user and public level

The structure of this folder is defined as:


devel / conf / scriptcase / nm_scriptcase.db: SQLite Scriptcase database when installed by default.
devel / conf / scriptcase / scriptcase.config.php: Scriptcase administrative configuration.
devel / conf / scriptcase / fix.php: Corrections executed by Scriptcase.

Note: The fixes are Scriptcase scripts that run after certain updates to update old applications with new features.

devel / conf / scriptcase / api: Scriptcase API profiles.
devel / conf / scriptcase / chart: Scriptcase theme profiles for graphics.
devel / conf / scriptcase / css: CSS and Scriptcase fonts.
devel / conf / scriptcase / googlefonts: Google sources for Scriptcase.
devel / conf / scriptcase / hotkeys: Scriptcase hotkey profiles.
devel / conf / scriptcase / img: Scriptcase images.
img / bg: Scriptcase background images.
img / btn: CSS of the Scriptcase button.
img / ico: Scriptcase icons.
img / img: General images of Scriptcase.
devel / conf / scriptcase / lib: Internal Scriptcase libraries.
devel / conf / scriptcase / libraries: External Scriptcase libraries.
devel / conf / scriptcase / lookup_def: Scriptcase Manual search profiles
devel / conf / scriptcase / menu: Scriptcase menu topics.
devel / conf / scriptcase / precodes: Insert Scriptcase event code.
devel / conf / scriptcase / schema: Scriptcase project themes.
devel / conf / scriptcase / schemas: Old graphics, HTML editors and scriptcase menu icons.
schemas / charts: Scriptcase old chart themes.
schemas / editor_html: Scriptcase HTML editor profiles.
schemas / menu: Scriptcase menu icon themes. devel / conf / scriptcase / snippets: Scriptcase snippet profiles.
devel / conf / scriptcase / tpl: Scriptcase HTML templates.
tpl / header: Scriptcase header HTML templates.
tpl / footer: Scriptcase HTML footer templates.
tpl / free: Scriptcase free format HTML templates.
tpl / helpcase: HTML templates for Scriptcase Helpcase headers.
devel / conf / scriptcase / securitymodule: Profiles of the Scriptcase security module.


devel / conf / grp / <Project> / api: Project API profiles.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / chart: Theme profiles for project graphics.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / googlefonts: Google sources of the project.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / hotkeys: Project of hot key profiles.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / img: Images of the project.
img / bg: Background images of the project.
img / btn: CSS of the project buttons.
img / ico: Project icons.
img / img: General images of the project.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / lib: Internal libraries project.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / libraries: External libraries of the project.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / lookup_def: Manual project search profiles.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / menu: Project menu topics.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / schema: Project project themes.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / schemas: Old graphics, HTML editors and project menu icons.
schemas / charts: Old graphic themes of the project.
schemas / editor_html: Profiles of HTML editors of projects.
schemas / menu: Themes of the project menu icon.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / snippets: Project fragment profiles.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / tpl: HTML templates of the project.
tpl / header: HTML templates of project header.
tpl / footer: HTML templates in the project footer.
tpl / free: Free format HTML project templates.
tpl / helpcase: HTML templates for the headings of the project help case.
devel / conf / grp / <Project> / securitymodule: Profiles of the project security module.


devel / conf / sys / api: Public API profiles.
devel / conf / sys / chart: Theme profiles for public graphics.
devel / conf / sys / googlefonts: Google public sources.
devel / conf / sys / hotkeys: Public shortcut key profiles.
devel / conf / sys / img: Public images.
img / bg: Public background images.
img / btn: CSS of public buttons.
img / ico: Public icons.
img / img: General public images.
devel / conf / sys / lib: Internal public libraries.
devel / conf / sys / libraries: External public libraries.
devel / conf / sys / lookup_def: Public manual search profiles.
devel / conf / sys / menu: Public menu topics.
devel / conf / sys / schema: Public project issues.
devel / conf / sys / schemas: Old graphics, HTML editors and public menu icons.
schemas / charts: Public themes of old graphics.
schemas / editor_html: Profiles of public HTML editors.
schemas / menu: Themes of public menu icons.
devel / conf / sys / snippets: Profiles of public fragments.
devel / conf / sys / tpl: Public HTML templates.
tpl / header: Public header HTML templates.
tpl / footer: Public footer HTML templates.
tpl / free: Public free format HTML templates.
devel / conf / sys / securitymodule: Profiles of public security modules.


devel / conf / usr / <User> / api: User API profiles.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / chart: Theme profiles for user charts.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / googlefonts: Google user sources.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / hotkeys: User shortcut key profiles.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / img: User images.
img / bg: User background images.
img / btn: CSS of user buttons.
img / ico: User icons.
img / img: General images of the user.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / lib: Internal user libraries.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / libraries: External user libraries.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / lookup_def: Search profiles in the user manual.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / menu: User menu topics.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / schema: User project themes.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / schemas: Old graphics, HTML editors and user menu icons.
schemas / charts: Old user chart themes.
schemas / editor_html: Profiles of user HTML editors.
schemas / menu: Themes of the user menu icon.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / snippets: User fragment profiles.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / tpl: User HTML templates.
tpl / header: User header HTML templates.
tpl / footer: HTML footer templates.
tpl / free: HTML templates of free user formats.
devel / conf / usr / <User> / securitymodule: Profiles of the user's security module.

Tareas pendientes


Store the Scriptcase documentation.

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It stores all the Scriptcase sample projects along with its CREATE TABLE for SQLite and MySQL.

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Stores files imported by the Document (File Name) and Image (File Name) fields. This directory is for development tests only. For advanced publication, it is recommended that the routes defined for production be applied during publication. For a typical publication, the paths are in _lib / file.

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Stores the records generated by Scriptcase. To the exceptions of the folders below, the record is generated in scriptcase / tmp.

The structure of this folder is defined as:

log / iface User actions in Scriptcase.

log / upd: Automatic updates

log / fix.log: the corrections are executed after the update.

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Production environment: It is used to connect what is generated in scriptcase / app and generate a production environment during project publication.

The structure of this folder is defined as:

prod / cep: Files to search for fields of type CEP.

Note: Available only in the pt_en installation.

prod / third: Third-party libraries used by the generated applications. 

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Store temporary files created. The files vary from interface errors to data exports in the generated applications.

config_.php: Scriptcase database access configuration. For standard installations, the database is SQLite and is located at: scriptcase / devel / conf / scriptcase / nm_scriptcase.db

  • For security reasons, I recommend changing the name of this config.php file to access it through the browser.

diagnosis.php: Scriptcase environment diagnosis containing general server information, from PHP parameters to databases available for connection.

info.php: General PHP information used by diagnostics.

By , System Engineer, professional with more than 15 years of experience in web analysis and development, Scriptcase partner since 2012, CEO at TIConsulting

December 11, 2019


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