Retrospective of everything that happened on the Blog and our Youtube channel.

2019 was a very important year in which we evolved, learned, taught, grew and you participated and collaborated with all our achievements.
As the year is ending, we would like to share with you a little of what we did throughout 2019:


Check out everything we created in our blog in these 12 months. If you have read it, enjoy remembering the material, or if you have not read it yet, take the advantage to do it now!


We also produced a lot of content on our youtube channel; guides and tutorials aimed at teaching and demonstrating the possibilities of creating systems using Scriptcase. Take the opportunity to recollect it, and if you have not seen it, end the year learning!

It was an amazing year for us! And we hope it was for you too!
We’re looking forward to continuing working with you in the coming year. We wish you great success in your projects and happy holidays!

Scriptcase Team.

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

December 30, 2019


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