MySQL refers to open-source database software. This software was first released in May 1995. It belongs to the family of other open-source software such as Apache, Linux, and programming languages such as Perl and PHP. MySQL AB is the firm, which owns this incredible software. As a web development tool, MySQL is the darling of many developers. This is because of a huge array of awesome features and advantages. All these go miles in ensuring that any developer achieves the best out of the software. Below is a brief look at some of the top MySQL Advantages.

Top of the list of MySQL Advantages is the fact that it is cost-effective. As indicated earlier, the software is open-source. What this means is that anyone can use it as long as you are using it in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General Public License. Developers always have the opportunity of creating a free database. In the long run, it becomes cost-effective to use this software.

The other advantage of using MySQL has to do with cross-platform operability. Actually, this is the main reason why most developers opt for it. Users can install it on different platforms such as Solaris, Windows, and Linux among others without affecting its performance. Integrating it with other programs is also very easy.

One of the other major MySQL Advantages is the fact that it is secure. This is because the storage of passwords is in an encrypted form. This restricts authorization thus making it more than secure.

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By ,

October 28, 2013


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