The login interface is one of the most important application on your system, it must have have full security against SQL injection, CSS injection, JavaScript injection, among others.

On Scriptcase the application responsible to create the login interface is the control application, on it you can create the required fields to allow the end user to be validated on the database and move up to the system menu showining to him only the applications that the developers allow. In the
control application you can easily set a field to be shown as password, in other words, the user can’t see whats being typed.

To create such thing using only PHP would take you hours of unnecessary programming, on Scriptcase you also have the option to create it from scratch, but let me tell you that we have something called security module, it will allow you to choose among 4 different types of control access to your system, they are:

– User: Scriptcase Will just check if the user has access to the system, it will check the login and password typed and will redirec the end user to the system menu.

– User-Application: Scriptcase will check if the user has access to the system and will only show the applications that the logged users has access to.

– User-Application-Group: Now each group will have access to one or more applications, and each user will have access to one or more groups, this way we have a 3 level control access.

– LDAP: Scriptcase will check out for your network for the active directory permissions and will apply it on your system access control

The best part from the security module is that all your applications from your system and your database are 100% protected with against any types of attack, the password by default is encrypted on Scriptcase using MD5 that is an algorithm is a widely used cryptography hash function producing a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value.

Here are are some examples of login interfaces created with Scriptcase:
Recruitment System
Help Desk System
Training Schedule System

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By ,

May 4, 2015


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