Who wants to start developing for the web needs to consider some important points, the main one is that it is necessary to know some programming languages​​. These languages ​​are essential for the development of any activity, after all without them would be impossible program or edit any part of a site or application WEB.

  • HTML: This is the base language for any web developer, with it you can create and edit any part of the paper web (front-end);
  • CSS: This is the language that applies the visual elements in HTML, because of it you can work to structure layout of a website or web application.
  • Javascript: This language is essential to develop resources, different effects and features can be programmed using it, so have a good knowledge of Javascript help in solving various problems of the daily life of a web developer.

Mastering these three basic languages​​, but paramount, you can start programming for web. Along with them is still necessary to choose which server language to be used. The language server will be responsible for all interactions with the database, for example, in addition to enabling the implementation of other more elaborate resources. One of the languages ​​server that has gained more space in recent years is the PHP as it is completely free and maintenance cost is also very cheap, nowadays a linux server that runs an application in PHP has a very high and worth for money very much worth investing in it as a language of official server.


Another benefit of PHP is that it is the standard language Scriptcase, one of the development tools WEB fuller than Brazil. If you are starting in the world of programming do not miss the opportunity to get it right, learn how to create web applications in Scriptcase and discover a world of possibilities. Download now the free version of our tool and get started today to take advantage of all the benefits that our tool offers.

By ,

July 15, 2013


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