The Refined Search is used to improve your reports by adding restrictive values according to the data universe from your database. The new refined search will offer a slider component for selecting the ranges. The result of the search will be shown using AJAX without the need of reloading the report content.

Let’s take a look on one example from our site and how it was done using Scriptcase.



In this example we will develop a report using the refined filter option, which allows you to filter the Grid values at runtime.


Creating a New Grid

1. Create a new grid application using the Customers table.

2. Select the fields CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, BirthDate, Country, Address and CreditLimit, by using the Fields Positioning option located in the application menu.


3. In the application menu, access the Refined Filter folder and click on the item Select Fields


4. In the first tab (Select Fields), we will select the fields Country, CreditLimit and BirthDate.


5. In the second tab (Edit Fields) will use the settings according to the image below.


6. Click “Run application”


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By ,

September 4, 2015


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