IBM always prized by the performance of their programs and their database is not different, the IBM DB2 is undoubtedly one of the best options in the market especially about cost-effective. This is because the IBM DB2 has an intelligence that makes its performance virtually self manageable according to the volume of data and also because several DBA activities can be automated by simply setting some information, in addition, the IBM DB2 can also be installed on any operating system that can reduce the cost with the server substantially.


With the benefits that the IBM DB2 offers, it is very common to find DB2 in projects where the server-side language is PHP, this combination tends to bring important benefits to the project once both can optimize costs so it ends up becoming highly profitable.

But when you are developing a project, is essential to have a tool that can assist you. With Scriptcase you can easily connect to DB2 database, all you need to inform to connect to the DB2 is:

  • Connection Name: It will help you identify the connection among the others.
  • DBMS Driver: it Will show a list with all drivers available.
  • Server/Host(Name or IP): The physical address from the database, it may be local on your machine, on your local network or remote in the cloud.
  • Port: The port that you want to use to connect to your database.
  • Username: Username for the user from the database.
  • Password: The password from the previous selected username.
  • Database Name: Enter the DB2 database instance name.
  • Schema: You can tell the Schema (Optional), if you wish to use only the tables belonging to the schema.
PHP DB2 Connection

Once you connect Scriptcase with your database, it will read your tables and create applications based on the desired tables. Scriptcase will identify all special characteristics from your table, such as primary keys, foreign key, auto-increments, among others, and will show that at the application level. All the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) actions will be managed by the Scriptcase. On forms and reports all the navigation, searches and filters (Static or Dynamic) will be also handled by Scriptcase automatically.

Scriptcase support stored procedures and all SQL statements (joins, order by, group by, among others) of DB2, why lose time when you have Scriptcase to help you out?! Download it now and test it free for 20 days!

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By ,

October 6, 2015


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