Project Manager with Scriptcase: One of the demands that grew the most in recent years was the development of applications that they could manage projects, this demand was mainly due to an increase in the number of software development projects. Great software factories will be dependent on the type of application that could monitor and measure several variables that directly impact the quality of their projects, in addition to standard management delivery activities.

Managing a project means looking holistically all his needs and from there to deploy solutions that your delivery is made on time and with quality. Time management, scope and resources are some of the needs that many project managers and these activities have become unviable if performed manually, due to that the demand for software they could assist in the management of projects has grown. Another important point is the need that the project manager has to cross many data to make important decisions within the project and allocate more resources or reschedule activities, for example.

With this need created several companies bet on the development of applications that gerenciassem their projects optimally. Betting on a system itself ends up being advantage for large organizations that have different characteristics in their projects. More generic software project management can be used depending on the context of the company, but most of them still chooses more customized solutions.

Analyzing this context ScriptCase created the template project manager, with it the programmer already has a system of project management that is based on the basic principles that can be applied to any project. Screens as the management of scope and resources are some of the many features already available. From the template is simpler to implement new rules and thus create a customized system based on using the existing template. With this template programmer earns more agility in development and can focus on specific items of the project.

Learn more ScriptCase that this facility has for you, visit our examples page system and learn more about the template project manager. And if you still do not know ScriptCase, but want to know more information our Courses page for free ScriptCase with PHP.

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By ,

May 27, 2013


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