Quick Search with ScriptCase: Consider the following scenario, you are responsible for managing multiple customer records of a large company. One day you need to fetch data from a particular client, but has only the name of the client and any other reference to CPF, for example, since the request was made in haste. When you enter the system notices that the company has to be able to identify the registration need to fill several fields that will filter your search. Analyzing this context ask if you could quickly find that record in a satisfactory time? Most of us will say no, after all when we think Agility think of objectivity. Now analyzing the technical side, what kind of solution you would propose as a programmer if you were in front of such a project implemented in our example?

Analyzing the previous scenario we often do not realize that there are good solutions when it comes to research. Perform a filter that often requires the user to fill in various fields corresponding to the data you would like to find in the database. The problem starts when you have many fields as a filter and little time to research basic information such as a name, for example. This type of scenario is very common in companies with Telemarketing service liability (where they receive the calls) the customer often requires agility and can not waste time with long fields of filters to find the attendant your registration.

Thinking about all this ScriptCase has a very interesting feature is called Quick Search. With it’s easy to find a particular information in any field in a table. From the data inserted into one field he returns to find the record where the occurrence of such information. Again using the previous example, if the quick search feature was implemented in the customer search screen with the names would be possible to return all records that have at least one incidence of it in any field. It is a quick and very objective of getting the information and this means flexibility for the user.

Implement the quick search is very simple as well as other resources ScriptCase. Please select the field you want to use for entering data and which columns of the table want it done the comparison and voila! Automatically code the whole structure is assembled as well as research. This means a gain in development time and higher quality for the application.

If you use ScriptCase and doubts quick search feature to access our knowledge base and sane all your questions through, but if you do not use the Scriptcase, visit our page already Course ONLINE ScriptCase with PHP and start to give the first steps.

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By ,

June 7, 2013


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