The nine areas of project management has become the pillar of every project analysis and completion. The integration management is focused on the plan and execution of the project. This means that the works should be monitored and taken proper care of while the project is on. The scope management is the second aspect of the project that makes it possible for the project to be seen in its process and details. The aim of this is to define the need and take care of the expectation of the project. The use of this process is very essential which is why time management is made a prominent role in the project analysis. It is time management that would help in taking care of the scheduling and taking care of the project estimation of time finishing.

The cost management makes the estimation and budget very great. If you can make use of the cost management effective, the other aspect of the project is taken care of.  The time management is very vital as it would require that the control and the establishment of the project is taken care of within a short time. The human resource management cannot be neglected too as it would involve the human contribution to the completion of the project. The communications management is what would balance every aspect of the project without issues or challenges. The communication will equally take care of the risk management. The risk that is associated with the project is taken care of by this management and then there is the procurement management that would involve getting a lot of things that would make the project a success. There are the nine areas of project management that should looked into before thinking of embarking on any project online or offline and also when you need to cut down a lot of expenses or challenges during the execution of a project.

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By ,

June 13, 2013


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