The roles of a project manager are the same for all projects in whichever content only that same projects may be big and thus complex to manage than others. In all contents there are specific the roles of the project manager which they are supposed to do. One is they are supposed to come up with rules and regulation which all the project members are supposed to move with. This rules outline on how every member should conduct them as long as the project is in progress.

The manager reviews the code and assist by offering guidelines on how programming should be done on that project. They are always in charge of the time. They are the one who control how task are done with time in mind. This is to make sure that the project is completed by the scheduled time.

On the roles of the project manager, the main thing that they must do is to create the functionality of the system. They make clear functional specification on the system at hand. They also keep updating the functional requirement throughout the project until the project is terminated.

The project manager is the one who presents the team members in other important places. For example if the system being made may seem to interfere with other departments in the organization, it is the work of the project manager to ensure that they meet with that department and discuss the issue as early as possible to ensure no more problems can happen to the system later.

Not every person can become a project manager. This is because if any error gets to the system and the leader does not realize that at an early age, the system may be wasting many resources. To become a project leader one has to have enough experience by having done a good number of successful projects.

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By ,

July 23, 2013


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