Showing fields of two tables in the same application. In this tutorial we will show how to show and manipulate data of two different tables in the same application with macros.

We will use tables that represent orders and customers, where each order has its customers. we will show customers data in the form application of order.

First we will create a form based application in the first table, orders table.

In this application we have to create fields to show the values of the customer from the Customers table.

Showing data from the second table

Will create a PHP method called showCustomer, include the code below:

$ Customer = {customerid};

macros: sc_lookup (customer, “SELECT

companyname, ContactName, stateid, city, address, CreditLimit




customerid = ‘$ customer’ “);

if (! empty ({client})) {

CompanyName {} = {client [0] [0]};

ContactName {} = {client [0] [1]};

Stateid {} = {client [0] [2]};

{City} = {client [0] [3]};

{Address} = {client [0] [4]};

CreditLimit {} = {client [0] [5]};


Here we are using the macros sc_lookup () with this macro can retrieve database records running a SELECT on any table in the database.

This macro have 2 parameters, the first is a dataset that retrieve the values. you can give any name for this dataset, in this example we will name it customer. The second parameter we reported a String with the sql SELECT statement to retrieve the values.

This dataset is a PHP matrix where we have two positions in brackets. In the first bracket inform the row of the matrix, on the second we inform the column.

In the onLoad event call our ‘carregarCliente’ method by entering the following command line:


We change the client field of the formulary to select type and we create a OnChange Event on that field calling the method ‘carregarCliente’, including the following line:


Changing records of both tables at same time

To change the records of the second table (Client), put the following code on the onBeforUpdate Event.

$customerid = {customerid};

$companyname = {companyname};

$contactname = {contactname};

$stateid = {stateid};

$city = {city};

$address = {address};

$creditlimit = {creditlimit};

if((!empty($customerid)) && (!empty($companyname)) && (!empty($contactname)) && (!empty($stateid)) &&

(!empty($city)) && (!empty($address)) && ($creditlimit >= 0)){



SET companyname = ‘$companyname’, contactname = ‘$contactname’,

stateid = ‘$stateid’, city = ‘$city’, address = ‘$address’, creditlimit = ‘$creditlimit’


customerid = ‘$customerid'”);


sc_error_message(“Have Blank Fields.”);


Here we are using the macros sc_exec_sql, with it we can use SQL statements, for example a INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.

On the example that we did it’s using the table according to the changes done.

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By ,

June 12, 2014


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