We’ve talked here on the blog about the importance of choosing a programming language that best suits the needs of the project, this definition needs to be well thought out because after this decision to opt for a new language in the middle of the project can be virtually impossible. Thinking about it, today we will talk a little bit about programming languages ​​WEB common market, to exalt their strengths and understand more about their weaknesses.


Projects. NET yield much anyway structuring the project as a whole is much simpler to be understood as the interactions (Client and Server) are fully separated. In particular file you can set only the client interface and another file is possible to schedule all requests to the server thus making the logic design and its subsequent maintenance are highly optimized. The disadvantage of using it is up to the high value of the licenses and especially issues related to server, currently an application developed in. NET is all optimized for a windows server and on behalf of the licenses they are usually much more expensive than Linux servers for example.

Whoever chooses to develop projects. NET has two excellent web programming languages​​, C # and VB, other languages ​​are also being adopted in Visual Studio, tool development officer of Microsoft, the creator of the platform.


When it comes to interaction with peripherals programming language Java WEB becomes a great option, pages. Jsp are very rare to find and are very used when you need to program more advanced features. Because Java communicates with any type of peripheral that has JVM (Java Virtual Machine) then it ends up being a practical option to work with this type of situation, another advantage is the safety of this type of application, the banks, for example, use much Java on your internet banking projects. The downside in using it is on account of the complexity in developing small projects since it will require much knowledge of the programmer activities even for low complexity due to the syntax.


Nowadays PHP is one of the most used languages ​​in the world WEB, easy deployment and low cost ended up popularizing it quickly. Is to program a simple corporate website or a web application more complex it shows stable and cost-effective in both situations. Another advantage of language is related to the low cost of hosting sites and applications since developed her run perfectly on any Linux server.


The options do not stop here, there is a plethora of languages ​​that can be used in web projects, each with its own peculiarities, so analyze it well before it adopts a project is essential. Among them we highlight the current PHP for having the greatest number of advantages and thanks to this Scriptcase uses it as a basis for creating their projects generating an independent code that can be hosted on any server with low cost. This means more results with less production cost.

Want to know more about PHP and how Scriptcase use it in your projects? Then go to the E-Learning section on our website and check.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

July 3, 2013


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