What is W3C? The web world is a very wide, it may be different ways of doing the same thing, only that at times can be a problem, especially when the issue is programming. The HTML language, for example, can be written in different ways and current browsers render what is encoded in a standard way, just that it was not always so.

A few years ago the HTML was rendered differently in each browser, a single line of code written for Internet Explorer, for example, could render the same item in a different attributes Firefox. One example, a table that was designed in <table> IE had a different format in Firefox, it was the nightmare of many programmers that made the work simply had to be done two to three times until it was identical in both.

Thinking about it, in 1994, Tim Berners-Lee created what would be one of the most important organizations for the web, the W3C. The World Wide Web Consortium, W3C popularly known, was born in order to help standardize the web so that no matter the location, software or hardware that is being used, the content and the way it will be displayed will be the same regardless this. Today it has over 400 members and is expanding worldwide, in Brazil the W3C began operations on 1 November 2007. After the creation of the W3C everything changed, with the standardization of various HTML elements companies started to adopt it as a reference when creating your Web browser, so it was simpler to program and make websites and web applications much more compatible. Who won was also the user who no longer need to be a slave to certain browser.

Today the W3C standard features for almost all HTML elements, but even these standardized items still undergo constant revisions team. Speaking of staff, the W3C has a large team, but the workload are always looking for professionals who want to be part of this great organization.

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June 26, 2013


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