Dedicated server:From one point, a common hosting plan will no longer support the digital needs of a company, especially if the service is used by a large organization – either by the institutional site that is growing in content and daily visits or an application that requires a lot of processing and generates many simultaneous accesses. At this time, then, it is important to consider hiring a dedicated server, having a unique machine to process and allocate all digital operation.

The advantages justify the use of a dedicated server. A high performance machine, exclusive to run all applications and sites, ensures users with better performance in access to the tools or the site. Stability is another important advantage on a dedicated server. A server of this kind, in most cases, it ensures a stable connection in 99.8% and 99.5% for hardware applications to be accessed whenever necessary. However, to maintain this stability, the server needs a robust energy monitoring, air conditioning and connection redundancy.

Now thinking in hiring a dedicated server, the first step is to choose well the DataCenter. It must rely on a broad framework of monitored rooms, air conditioning, power stability with own generators and connection redundancy. These elements ensure that the server becomes available forever. And for any emergency situation, experts must be available and alerts to solve any eventuality quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the service should also provide an efficient telephone support, if possible 24 hours per day.

Security is also a key factor in hiring, after all there is nothing more important than having the assurance that the information is secure and is only accessed by authorized personnel. A dedicated secure server must have digital and physical security. Digital security involves protection systems against servers invasion, a well-planned and organized network at the DataCenter, contained all the information backups and monitoring of the machine so that nothing is lost or misplaced. Physical security, in turn, refers to DataCenter structure, if it has protection against entry of unauthorized persons, using security measures to prevent this kind of access to the engine room, monitoring any action via cameras or schemes surveillance.

Finally, you can consider the dedicated server a viable and cost-effective option for situations in which you want more performance and security.

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September 16, 2015


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