Come check out the successful case of the CBMPE – Pernambuco Military Fire Department.


The Military Fire Brigade of Pernambuco has a staff of about 3,000 civil servants, has an efficient performance in all regions of the State with groups led by the Commanders of the Metropolitan and Interior regions.


We faced a clear difficulty in the process of requesting and issuing a Certificate of Inspection from the Fire Department and also in the Fire Fighting Project for commercial establishments.


We developed the SIG – Management Information System – with Scriptcase and thanks to this initiative we were able to have control over the regularity of companies in relation to the Certificate of Inspection of the Fire Department and Project Against Fire, for commercial establishments.

RESULTS (Military Fire Brigade of Pernambuco):

CBMPE was a finalist for the Electronic Government Excellence Award in the e-Public Administration category promoted by ABEP in 2016.

Modernization of administrative and operational processes, resulting in a 62% increase in inspection fees.

Gain in the number of processes paid and registered.

Growth in TPEI – Fire Prevention and Extinction Rate

Approximately 18% increase in revenue between January and March after the implementation of the system, compared to the previous year.


Currently, the CBMPE has a staff of about 3,000 military personnel, groups led by the Commanders of the Metropolitan and Interior regions with an efficient performance in all regions of the State.

In the Metropolitan Region, services are performed by two Fire Department (GBI), the Marine Fire Department (GBMar), Prehospital Care Group (GBAPH) and the Search Rescue Group (GBS).

Previously to the creation and use of the system, our technical surveys sector worked with excel spreadsheets, manual slips, manual consultation of payment compensation (one by one in the savings bank system), printing in graphic form of Inspection Certificates which they needed to be signed one by one by the head of the sector

The documentation was received in physical form by our attendants, who needed to be kept and separated by status. Lots of separate information and little transparency. Everything conspired to inefficiency, rework, loss of documents, corruption and taxpayer annoyance.

Through Scriptcase, we wanted to create an external customer service platform, and that’s what we did. The Non-face-to-face Service System was developed, with payment management, consultation with other databases and issuing Certificates via Online.

“Cost-effective and fast development.”

Manoel Francisco de Oliveira Cunha Filho – GENERAL COMMANDER OF CBMPE

certificado do cbmpe
Certificate of Excellence Award in Electronic Government

Tela de login
Login Screen

Tela de serviços oferecidos
Offered Services Screen

Portal de Atendimento ao Público
Public Service Portal screen

Sistema de Gestão de Atividades Técnicas
Technical Activity Management System Screen

Relatório Geral de Atividades Técnicas
General Reporting Screen

See this and more cases here: CASES OF SUCCESS. Enjoy and check out the latest news from our blog.

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

March 25, 2020


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