Come and see how TwoBox used Scriptcase to develop Centinel Box, a complete system to manage the security of your SAP ERP system.

CentinelBox is a Chilean company specializing in software development for SAP Environment, Complex Systems, and Website Systems. During this time, our mission has been to contribute to the development of our customers in particular and Latin America in general, actively participating in the development and implementation of innovative technological projects that improve the productive processes and businesses of our community.
We are faced with the need to combine traditional development with new technologies, all in a minimum development time. Our first challenge was to bring an application developed in Delphi to a web environment.
We developed Centinel Box, a solution to manage the security of your SAP ERP system. Centinel Box was a progressive project in which we incorporated the experiences and needs of our customers, which would not be possible without Scriptcase.
RESULTS(Centinel Box):
With the help of Scriptcase we were able to develop Centinel Box, a complete system with a very high degree of complexity in just 6 months!
The system is able to monitor the security-critical variables of user accounts and their profiles.
Centinel Box offers the option to select the language (Spanish, Portuguese, and English) by default.
The system is 100% web-based and works on mobile devices with different operating systems. The database is MySQL.
Centinel Box works with data transferred in batch-programmed processes directly from SAP ERP.
All reports can be exported in a standard format to PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, XML, RFT or simply printed.
We implement the application system to prevent the assignment of privileges that determine risk conditions.
Centinel Box was a progressive project in which we incorporated the experiences and needs of our customers into the development process, this would not be possible without Scriptcase!
The system quickly gained approval and trust from the community. Today we have a significant number of customers in Chile, Peru, and Colombia. All of them are interested in the management and quality of security in the SAP System.
“I recommend Scriptcase to everyone who wants to develop in Web environments and in the shortest possible time, no specialists are needed in any development tool. Anyone with basic programming skills can become a web developer in minimal time, with high productivity.”


Stern Workflow (beta test application)
Besides CentinelBox, we have another application developed in Scriptcase, Stern Workflow (which is currently in the beta phase). Stern applies BPM concepts and methodology that increase visibility into business processes to ensure control while improving understanding of business processes and their results.
Some of its features:
- – Definition of processes and activities in a parametric way, that is, any process that requires a flow of activities and approvals can be defined, allowing to represent from an authorization process to the assignment of privileges in user accounts, after-sales services and claims, between others.
- – Sequence of parametric activities
- – Parametric definition of approvers by process and organizational area
- – Parametric definition of SLA for each activity (of the approvers and those responsible for performing the required services)
- – Integration of Stern users with Active Directory and with SAP
Check out this and other success stories on our blog!
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