See how San Miguel Municipal Corporation managed through Scriptcase to modernize their systems and transform tons of paperwork into simple and efficient web systems.

The San Miguel Municipal Corporation is a private non-profit legal entity. It is the main cooperating legal entity of the Illustrious Municipality of San Miguel, managing the services assigned to it. Contributing with their work to the constant development of the commune.

We needed to modernize our processes, so we were looking for a tool that could transform tons of paper into modern and efficient web systems.

Among our searches for development tools, we found Scriptcase, which presented itself as an extremely efficient and effective web tool. We were able to develop several applications collaboratively in a short time period.
Results (Municipal Corporation of San Miguel):

Scriptcase as a RAD tool can significantly streamline the system development process, in addition it manages to facilitate the production cycle, reducing the time expected to complete the systems.

Scriptcase as a RAD tool can significantly streamline the systems development process, in addition, it manages to facilitate the production cycle, reducing the time expected for the completion of systems.

The tool manages to integrate with several external libraries, and it comes with internal libraries that enable the system’s development of the most different natures. Among the applications that we developed, I highlight the balance scorecard, document management, geolocation, tracking of purchase orders.
“We evaluated a solution on the market that could provide us with tools quickly, from the paper to the PC in a short time, so I developed several collaborative applications. We created for the Municipal Corporation and other government organizations. Among the applications I highlight the balance scorecard, document management, geolocation, tracking of purchase orders. I’ve been working with Scriptcase since 2013.”
Alejandro Alvarez – CIO
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