Today we are going to reflect on the importance of training in the use of software that, when exploited correctly, the full potential of the chosen tool is at stake.

We perceive everytime more and more the constant need for evolution within companies and institutions which we can say that is actually an universal trend; the search for technologies that facilitate work, to increase the level of productivity and to reduce the delivery time of results and the necessary costs throughout the development process.

Choosing the right or ideal software taking in consideration their own needs, can put companies and institutions in a new cycle of production and results.

However, this whole context makes me reflect on one point: is it worth having the best and most modern software and not knowing how to use it?

And it is exactly based on this point that I invite you, my dear reader, to think together with me about the importance of the ideal training for using the tools.

The lack of training and its direct impacts on productivity.

We will start putting this way, when an employee is introduced to a certain tool that aims to help him in his activities but he does not necessarily know how to use it completely, it can be a waste of investment. And I can say that without thinking twice! If you stop and watch; that employee ends up spending more time using the tool incorrectly or trying to understand and learn how it works than actually doing his activities.

And it doesn’t end there! Another factor observed is that if it’s not know fully how to use the tool, it is almost natural the need to seek help. It is very common for tech support departments to receive several daily calls to help with questions categorized as simple, we proved this everyday with the Scriptcase technical support. And this is a direct reflection of the user’s lack of training, or from another perspective, the lack of personal qualifications for using the tool.

Only with training and qualification can the user explore the best of all the tool’s functionalities, and also depends on which tool is chosen. There can be an infinity of resources and possibilities of use to be explored, such as the Scriptcase that offers Queries, Forms, Graphics, Dashboards, Calendars, Menus, Security, Databases, Translations, Programming and an it own Interface.

But how and where to find this type of training?

The first thing to understand is that training should not necessarily be a mandatory service for the company that purchased the software. It is of utmost importance that the company that sells the product also offers conditions for its customer to use its tool correctly. The results obtained with its use is a direct reflection of the quality of the software, after all, the success of its end user is also considered the company’s success.

Successful cases strengthen the image of the software and serve to reflect the company’s identity before the user community.

But back to the topic of today, there are several ways to offer and/or find training:

What are the advantages of being trained?

I think the main advantage, and perhaps the most important, would be personal qualification. Having enough knowledge and aptitude to develop good results using the best of the software adds motivation and willingness to further deepen your knowledge, and these ingredients are essential for building a successful professional career. If we stop to think in this context, the training practice in general is not limited to the curriculum and primary area of ​​work of the employees who make up the institution instead, especially today, in the IT area in general many excellent professionals are from completely different fields. Everything is a matter of choice, aptitude and search for qualification.

Thus, knowledge generates maturity and a mature professional is always able to deal with the most diverse problems given when searching for coherent solutions, as well as being able to explore more the possibilities presented to him.

That’s it for today. I hope you have given me some thought about the importance of the ideal training to make the best use of the software. After all, you always have to think about the future, being in constant growth facilitates the search for success, whatever the environment that is inserted, always keep the goal of exceeding standards and raising the level of service quality active.

See you next! 🙂

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

May 18, 2020


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