Discover the success story of Carlos Amadeo, a developer, and entrepreneur who managed to simplify the development process of his company by modernizing its modules and converting his applications to the web.

My name is Carlos Amadeo, and I am a developer. In the 90s, I used a RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool called Zachary, which generated code for xBase. It was very similar to Scriptcase, allowing me to focus on the functional aspects and business logic without wasting time on the visual elements. With this tool, I developed the backend for a money transmitter in the USA, which had over 300 branches when I left the company. Later, I worked with Delphi, another RAD tool that allowed me to develop at high speed but at a lower level than Zachary. Eventually, Delphi was replaced by web technology. As I already had experience with such tools, I was looking for solutions that would allow me to migrate applications to the web, and in my search, I found Scriptcase.

I needed to address our primary need, which was the ability to create interfaces for managing data for the different services we provide to our clients. About 90% of the tools I develop are for internal use within my company.

Since my experience with RAD tools had been positive, I was looking for solutions allowing me to deploy online applications. Eventually, I found Scriptcase, which has practically all the functionalities I sought in a high-speed development platform.
Results(Case of success):

With Scriptcase, we developed a backend for my training platform ACT7, which my clients use to receive the annual training required by law. The backend, Simple3, allows me to manage companies and employees, the courses to be taken, exam answers, and various other functions.

We also developed a front end for a document generator, which we could call a “supercharged mail merge.” This platform generates templates and sets of fields to populate those templates. It also manages a field library that facilitates the creation and editing of groups, and finally, it contains client profiles with their respective documents. With Scriptcase, I generate most of the manipulation screens, while with Python, I manage the generated merge (the final result is an . ODT document converted to PDF).

I have several small utilities created in Scriptcase to perform quick searches for information on prospects, verify information about companies offering regulated financial services, and that have the ability to update the content of databases directly from within the application. This is done by downloading the updates from their respective sources and inserting them into the corresponding tables.

The project that took me the longest was Simple3, mainly because the original concept went through several iterations. However, even with all the adjustment steps, from the initial idea to the first version (Simple), the system was developed quickly, taking me around two months. It would have taken significantly longer if I had used other solutions. Since then, I have been regularly updating the project.

The main objective I successfully achieved was to create an intuitive and easy-to-manage training platform that is extremely user-friendly for my clients. In fact, in almost all cases, students only need three clicks to start a course without requiring passwords or login credentials.

As I work in regulated industries, it was essential to maintain all the records. Scriptcase allowed me to develop the backend and extend it as needed, ensuring that all the necessary records were properly maintained.
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